A New Mayoral Frontrunner?
Where was Rahm Emanuel at 7:00pm New Year's Eve (CST)around the time that Congressman Danny Davis announced he was dropping out of the race for mayor of Chicago?
Was Emanuel, the mayoral "frontrunner", still vacationing with his family in Thailand where it was eight o'clock in the morning on New Year's Day?
Or had Chicago's would-be first family already returned to its "home" in Washington, D.C. where the time was 8:00pm (EST)?
It really doesn't matter where the former White House Chief of Staff received word about the Davis decision.
For the campaigns of Emanuel, Gery Chico and Miguel Del Valle to become Chicago's next mayor, the moment was a political "game-changer".
The stunning announcement that couldn't wait for New Year's Day (when it would have been given banner headlines in the heavily-read Sunday newspapers) said simply that Chicago's African-American political and business leaders had actually chosen a "consensus" candidate to run for mayor on February 22nd, 2011.
She is former U.S. Senator Carol Moseley Braun.
As recently as two days before Christmas, there were three (3) major black candidates running for Mayor of Chicago. With the trio threatening to divide their natural base of support, there was muffled laughter in the other candidate camps at the political disorganization and disunity in the African-American community.
Then on December 23rd, State Senator James Meeks bowed out in the name of unity. Meeks was joined by the Reverend Jesse Jackson and others in secret negotiations and eight days later, Congressman Davis withdrew adding his endorsement to Braun's campaign.
It leaves Braun as the major African-American candidate running for mayor in a city where black voters routinely make up 40-45% of Chicago's election turnout.
She also is the highest-profile female candidate running for mayor.
Braun's emergence as the "consensus" African-American candidate would seem to virtually assure a first or second place finish on February 22nd. And if she is able to consolidate her base in the black wards, it is not unfathomable that she could reach out to enough voters citywide to win a 50-percent-plus-one victory in the first round.
As for Emanuel, his first order of business in January will be a poll to measure how much of his "frontrunner" status he may have lost during the last eight days of 2010.
And if he finds out he's just another mayoral "wannabe", he'll certainly re-think his campaign tactics.
Will Rahm reconsider participating in those candidate forums he so far has not had time to attend? (To play catchup, he'll have to play)
And if Braun does show progress in consolidating the black vote, will Emanuel play his "ace of spades" meaning President Barack Obama?
The plot thickens.
Why do all the rules change when someone has ties to Pres.Obama.? Rahm Emanuel did not live in chicago during 2010 and the rule says you must then he does not qualify to be mayor no mater who he knows. I JUST WISH SOME REPORTER WOULD SAY LIKE IT IS. THANK YOU
Posted by: steve leinweber | 01/25/2011 at 02:59 PM
What does one have to do to receive ward coverage? Candidate in the wards are fighting for survival, while a certain retired alderman, postures to package a product of his kind!!!! The 28th ward desrves better...... Jason Ervin is the Mayor's, appointed replacement for Ed Smith. Jason testified on Ed Smith's behalf in 2006 regarding allegations of using the 259 N. Pulaski City funded Ward Office for his Democratic Organization, affairs. Jason Ervin stated that he was the owner of this property. Listed in the City Clerk's Handbook, 259 N. Pulaski is the 28th Ward Office. Clearly posted, 261 N. Pulaski is Annezette Collins State Representative 's Office, funded by the state of course. Now Jason Ervin did not cite having an economic interest with the city in his Economic Of Interest Statement, attached to his Aldermanic Nomination Papers. In which he submitted on November 15th 2010. Additionally, Jason Ervin, is now running his Aldermanic Campaign out of the 261 N. Pulaski office. (His web-site Vote4Ervin, list this address as his campaign headquarter). Since November to the present, a staff assistant (Bridget Means) employed at the 28th Ward Office, has been at the Chicago Board Of Elections, defending the interest of Jason Ervin's candidacy. There are BOE logs available, date Nov 2010 - Jan 2011, validating by her signature, her attendance. I wonder if this was on City time? Finally, I have searched the tax assessor's website and discovered that both the 259 & 261 North Pulaski addresses are not documented. However, they both are pictured as 253 N. Pulaski bearing two different PIN numbers. Strangely enough without listing an owner. Now I ask, how can the City & State fund properties for phantom addresses? Who are the checks made out to? In summary, if Jason Ervin is the owner, why didn't he declare this in his Economic Of Interest Papers? Unless of course, that would reveal what I just stated. In closing, why did the tax assessor's office purge the owner's information? If you check any other address, the owner's information is included. Just check yours if you like. As a Candidate for the 28th Ward, I believe in transparency of government. With community oversite….
This is why CHANGE is needed. ENOUGH….
Punch 56
Posted by: Carmelita Earls | 01/18/2011 at 04:54 AM
Emanuel is to self centered,he is never wrong
Posted by: bob green | 01/17/2011 at 06:15 PM
Wrong! Wrong! Throughout this election the media with contrived evidence and elitist analysis have
named everybody but the peoples candidate as #1.
The media for whatever reason as you have done in this article pick the winner from the Daley crowd.
The Chicago Defender Poll shows that William Walls has received the largest bump fr
om this reduction of candidates on the ballot. When will you change your tune?
Feb 22.
Posted by: Bruce Crosby | 01/14/2011 at 02:12 PM
Mr Thomas youre correct but incorrect if you check the new front runner in a Poll conducted by the Chicago Defender from Jan.6 to Jan 14th the result of that poll www.chicagodefender.com the results.
Who gets your vote for Chicago mayor? You already voted on this survey!
Carol Moseley Braun
Patricia Van Pelt Watkins
William "Dock" Walls
Posted by: Will of the Peolple | 01/14/2011 at 01:46 PM