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ABC 7 Janet Davies and Frank Mathie Kick Off Jim Gibbons 5K Walk/Run

He succumbed to leukemia in 1994.  But each year, Janet Davies and Frank Mathie remember their colleague and friend Jim Gibbons, who worked as an investigative reporter for ABC 7 News. Davies and Mathie will kick off the 18th Annual ABC 7 Jim Gibbons 5K on the 6 pm News, Thursday, June 14th.  The event talkes place in Lincoln Park at 2551 N. Cannon Drive and includes a bags tournament, awards ceremony and a performance by Black Cadillac.  Through the years, the team of runners and walkers helped raise 1.5 million for lifesaving research for leukemia and other blood cancers.Jim Gibbons run 2011 team


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